Problem z odświeżaniem trackera


Październik 23, 2013

Znalazłem w necie skrypt który łączy się z trackerem i podaje nam seedy oraz peery do torrenta.
Problem w tym że są na stronie trackery które są obciążone oraz nieaktywne, a wtedy mam błąd "500 Internal Server Error".
Czy może ktoś pomóc z tym problemem :(

skrypt aktualizacyjny trackery
    require 'BEncode2.php';
     * hex2bin
     * from
     * @param $h string
     * @return string
    function hex2bin($h)
       if( !is_string($h) ) return null;
       if( strlen($h)%2 != 0 ) return null;
       for( $a=0; $a<strlen($h); $a+=2) { $r.=chr(hexdec($h{$a}.$h{($a+1)})); }
       return $r;
    class Tracker {
         * Tracker url
         * @var string
       protected $url;
       public function __construct($url)
           $this->url = $url;
         * Get data from tracker
         * @param $hash_info string
         * @return mixed false if failed
       public function ask( $hash_info )
           $url = $this->url
               .'?info_hash='. urlencode(hex2bin( $hash_info ))
               .'&key='. urlencode(hex2bin( $hash_info ))
               .'&peer_id='. self::getPeerId()
           $result = @file_get_contents($url);
           if( !isset( $result ) && empty($result) ) return false;
           try {
               $result = BEncode2::decode2($result);
           catch(Exception $e)
               return false;
           return $result;
         * Validate the url
         * @param $url string
         * @return bool
       public static function validUrl($url)
           if( !isset( $url ) || empty($url) ) return false;
           return preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)|i', $url);
         * PeerID
         * @var string
       private static $sId = null;
       public static function getPeerId()
           if( self::$sId === null )
               self::$sId = urlencode( hex2bin( sha1( uniqid() ) ) );
           return self::$sId;
    class Torrent {
         * Torrent data
         * @var array
       protected $data;
         * Hash (sha1)
         * @var string
       protected $hash;
         * @var int
       protected $peers = 0;
         * @var int
       protected $seeds = 0;
         * Constructor
         * @param $data string
       public function __construct($data)
           $this->data = BEncode2::decode2($data);
           $this->hash = sha1( BEncode2::encode2($this->data['info']) );
         * @return string
       public function getName()
           return @$this->data['info']['name'];
         * @return array
       public function getFiles()
           return @$this->data['info']['files'];
       public function getHash()
           return $this->hash;
       public function getSeeds()
           return $this->seeds;
       public function getPeers()
           return $this->peers;
         * Update tracker info
         * @return bool
      public function updateTracker()
if( !is_array($this->data) ) return false;
$trackers = array();
if( @Tracker::validUrl($this->data['announce']) )
$trackers[] = $this->data['announce'];
if( is_array($this->data['announce-list']) )
foreach( $this->data['announce-list'] as $ar )
if( is_array($ar) )
$trackers = array_merge($trackers, $ar);
$trackers = array_unique($trackers);
$this->seeds = 0;
$this->peers = 0;
$result = false;
foreach( $trackers as $url )
if( @!Tracker::validUrl($url) ) continue;
$t = new Tracker($url);
$result = $t->ask( $this->getHash() );
if( !is_array($result) || isset($result['failure reason']) ) continue;
if( isset( $result['complete'] ) ) $this->seeds += (int)$result['complete'];
// if( isset( $result['complete'] ) && $this->seeds > (int)$result['complete'] ) $this->seeds = (int)$result['complete'];
if( isset( $result['incomplete'] ) ) $this->peers += (int)$result['incomplete'];
// if( isset( $result['incomplete'] ) && $this->peers > (int)$result['incomplete'] ) $this->peers = (int)$result['incomplete'];
$result = true;
return $result;
         * Create from torrent file
         * @param $filename string
         * @return Torrent
       public static function fromFile($filename)
           $content = file_get_contents($filename);
           return new Torrent($content);



class BEncode2 {
     * @var string
    protected static $haystack = null;
     * @var int
    protected static $offset = 0;
     * Decode
     * @param $haystack string
     * @return mixed
    public static function decode2($haystack)
        if( !isset($haystack) ) return null;
        self::$haystack = $haystack;
        self::$offset = 0;

        $result = self::parse2();

        self::$haystack = null;
        return $result;
     * @return array
    protected static function parseDictionarie2()
        $result = array();
        while( !self::end2() )
            $key = self::parseString2();
            if( strlen( $key ) < 1 ) throw new Exception('Unknown key name at offset:'.self::$offset, 2);

            $result[ $key ] = self::parse2();
        self::$offset += 1;
        return $result;
     * @return array
    protected static function parseList2()
        $result = array();
        while( !self::end2() )
            $result[] = self::parse2();
        self::$offset += 1;
        return $result;
     * @return int
    protected static function parseIntiger2()
        self::$offset += 1;

        $l = strpos(self::$haystack,'e', self::$offset) - self::$offset;
        $value = (int)substr(self::$haystack, self::$offset, $l);
        if( !is_numeric($value) ) throw new Exception('Parsed data is not integer \''.$value.'\' at offset:'.self::$offset, 3);
        self::$offset += $l + 1;

        return $value;
     * @return string
    protected static function parseString2()
        $string = '';

        $l = strpos(self::$haystack,':', self::$offset) - self::$offset;
        $length = (int)substr(self::$haystack, self::$offset, $l);
        self::$offset += $l+1;
        $string = (string)substr(self::$haystack, self::$offset, $length);
        self::$offset += $length;
        if( !isset($string) ) $string = '';

        return $string;
     * @return mixed
    protected static function parse2()
        $result = null;

        if( self::end2() ) return null;
        switch( self::$haystack[self::$offset] )
            case 'd':
                $result = self::parseDictionarie2();
            case 'l':
                $result = self::parseList2();
            case 'i':
                $result = self::parseIntiger2();
                if( is_numeric( self::$haystack[self::$offset] ) )
                    $result = self::parseString2();
                    throw new Exception('Unknown type. \''.self::$haystack[self::$offset].'\' at offset:'.self::$offset, 1);
        return $result;
    protected static function end2()
        if( @!isset( self::$haystack[self::$offset] ) ) return true;
        if( self::$haystack[self::$offset] == 'e' ) return true;
        return false;
    /* ENCODE */
     * Encode
     * @param $mixed mixed
     * @return string
    public static function encode2($mixed)
        if( !isset($mixed) ) return '';

        $result = '';

        if( is_array($mixed) )
            if( count($mixed) == 0 ) $type = 'd';     // empty array should be dictionarie
                $type = 'l';
                // find what type of array we have
                // if there's one(or more) none numeric key we have dictionarie
                foreach($mixed as $key => $e)
                    if( !is_int($key) )
                        $type = 'd';
            $result .= $type;
            foreach($mixed as $key => $e)
                if( $type == 'l' )
                    $result .= self::encode2($e);
                    $result .= (int)strlen($key).':'.$key.self::encode2($e);
            $result .= 'e';
            if( is_int($mixed) )
                $result .= 'i'.(int)$mixed.'e';
                $result .= (int)strlen($mixed).':'.$mixed;
        return $result;
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