Problem z konfiguracja exploita w java script'cie <>:&


Listopad 30, 2007
Problem z konfiguracja exploita w java script'cie mianowicie robie tak:
1.scignelem tego exploita
Secunia Advisory: SA22542
Release Date: 2006-10-25
Impact: Spoofing
Solution Status: Unpatched
Software: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x

A weakness has been discovered in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious
people to conduct phishing attacks.

The problem is that it's possible to display a popup with a somewhat spoofed address bar
where a number of special characters have been appended to the URL. This makes it possible
to only display a part of the address bar, which may trick users into performing certain
unintended actions.

Secunia has constructed a demonstration, which is available at:

The weakness is confirmed in Internet Explorer 7 on a fully patched Windows XP SP2 system.

Do not follow links from untrusted sources.

Provided and/or discovered by:
Discovered by an anonymous person.

<script language="JavaScript">
function StartTest()
var padding = '';
for ( i=0 ; i<108 ; i++)
padding += unescape("%A0");
newWindow ="", "Win", "width=500,height=325,scrollbars=yes");
newWindow.moveTo( (screen.width-325) , 0 );
newWindow.document.location = "/result_22542/?" + unescape("%A0") + unescape("%A0") + ""+padding;
document.location = "";

# [2006-10-26][/b]
2.otworzylem notanik i zapisalem jako test.js
3.nastepnie w cmd zrobilem tak (mam krasnal server) i tu chcailem podziekowac uzytkownikowi akselekbezelek za udostepnienie mi swoich hasel do ftp ; )

4.Wszystko ok wygenerowalo mi plik laz.html
5.Wrzucam go na serwer uruchamiam ie 7 (bo pod ie7 jest exploit)
6.patrze procesy i nic robie zle ?

z gory THX, pozdrawiam ze sloncznej Barcelony ; )

Dark Smark

Były Moderator
Kwiecień 29, 2006
A aktualizowałeś system, ściągałeś łatki? Może kochany Microsoft wydał poprawkę która uniemożliwia użycia tego błędu, zobacz zresztą na datę opublikowania. Od tego oni są, Od tego są oni... Rotfl
A czytałeś w ogóle do czego on służy? ;/
A weakness has been discovered in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious
people to conduct phishing attacks.

The problem is that it's possible to display a popup with a somewhat spoofed address bar
where a number of special characters have been appended to the URL. This makes it possible
to only display a part of the address bar, which may trick users into performing certain
unintended actions.[/b]
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