[pytanie] HASTYMAIL


Marzec 20, 2009
Witam wszystkich. Chcę założyć stronę z obsługą poczty internetowej (coś w stylu poczta.wp.pl). Znalazłem oprogramowanie o nazwie HASTYMAIL. Strona producenta:http://www.hastymail.org/
Problem jest w tym, że za cholerę nie wiem jak to zainstalować na stronie aby działało. Mój angielski nie jest zbyt dobry a google tłumacz dziwnie tłumaczy instrukcję instalacji.
Gdyby ktoś mógł mi pomóc jak to zainstalować to byłbym bardzo wdzięczny.

Z góry wszystkim dziękuję.
ps. A może znacie jakieś inne skrypty do poczty, które łatwo się konfiguruje i wstawia na serwer ?


Marzec 20, 2009
Na samym początku. W instrukcji jest coś napisane o chyba zmianie rozszerzenia jakiegoś pliku, ale nie za bardzo to rozumiem.


Marzec 20, 2009
Hastymail2 Installation


1. Introduction

2. Requirements

3. Installation
1. Create directories and files
2. Edit your hastymail2.conf to suit your site
3. Run the cli or web based install script to build the hastymail2.rc file
4. Move the rc file to the correct place and login

3. Resources
1. Troubleshooting
2. Advanced configuration options
3. Source documentation

1. Introduction

Hastymail is written in PHP, which does not require compilation.
because of this you don't need to run "make" or "make install" but
there are just a few specific steps to get Hastymail up and running.
Some Hastymail specific directories that need to be created with the
correct permissions, and you will need to create a hastymail2.conf file
from the supplied hastymail2.conf.example file. Then you need to edit
the options in this file for your site. Finally you need to run the
hastymail installation script that will parse your configuration file
into an optimized version that hastymail will use. Any time you change
the .conf file you will need to rerun the configuration script to
generate a new optimized .rc version.

2. Requirements

Hastymail requires only a web server with PHP support. Apache is preferred but
not required. If PHP5 is available Hastymail will take advantage of the
additional features is provides. Hastymail should run fine on versions of
PHP4 going back to version 4.3. Character set handling is greatly improved
if the PHP build has the mbstring extension. Hastymail will also use the
iconv extension to aid in character set translation if it is available.

3. Installation

These instructions assumes that you have full access to the
server hastymail is being installed on.

1. create directories and files

a. Start by unpacking the Hastymail code from the gzipped tar file:

tar zxvf hastymail2.tgz

This will create a directory called "hastymail2".

b. In this directory is a file called hastymail2.conf.example. Move
this file out of the hastymail2 directory and rename it
hastymail2.conf. On Unix like system a good place to store this file
is /etc/hastymail2/. This is the "human readable" version of the
Hastymail config file. Example Unix commands:

mkdir /etc/hastymail2
mv hastymail2/hastymail2.conf.example /etc/hastymail2/hastymail2.conf

b. Move the hastymail2 directory to your web-server document root.
You can rename the directory to anything you want. Assuming
the web-server document root is "/var/www/" the following
would be the Unix command to move and rename the directory

mv /place_you_unpacked_the_tarball/hastymail2 /var/www/webmail

c. Create the attachments and settings directories. This must
be writable by the user your web-server software runs as. On
Unix like systems a good place for these directories is in
/var/hastymail/. Assuming the web-server runs as the user "nobody"
the following Unix commands will setup the required directories:

mkdir /var/hastymail2
mkdir /var/hastymail2/attachments
mkdir /var/hastymail2/user_settings
chown nobody /var/hastymail2/attachments
chown nobody /var/hastymail2/user_settings

Note that Hastymail supports using a database to store user
settings and contacts in which case the user_settings directory
is not required. See the hastymail2.conf.example file for more
information on using a database with Hastymail.

Hastymail tries to keep attachments uploaded to the server that
never get sent cleaned up but failing to logout can leave unsent
attachments on the server. Setting up a periodic job to delete
files older than a certain age would be a good idea. On UNIX
like systems a cron job executing the following would be sufficient:

find /var/hastymail2/attachments/ -cmin +360 -type f -exec rm -rf '{}' \; > /dev/null 2>&1

The above command will delete any file in the attachments dir that is
older than 6 hours.

That's it for files and directories. You will need to enter the
locations of the settings directory, attachments, and hastymail2
code into the hastymail2.conf file in the next step.

2. Edit your hastymail2.conf to suit your site

Edit the hastymail2.conf file (in the example Unix commands above this
file was put in /etc/hastymail2/) to match your site information.
Update the correct values for everything in the "General" section
as well as the SMTP and IMAP server sections. Hastymail has many
options, most are set to reasonable defaults but read through the
comments to be sure everything is compatible with your site and
behaves the way you expect.

3. Run the cli or web based install script to build the hastymail2.rc file

CLI version:

Once you have edited the hastymail2.conf file you need to use the
install_config.php script to create the optimized version that
hastymail will use. Lets assume the hastymail code has bee placed
in /var/www/webmail/ and the hastymail2.conf file is in /etc/hastymail2/.
Invoking the installation script would then be the following:

php /var/www/webmail/install_scripts/install_config.php /etc/hastymail2/hastymail2.conf /etc/hastymail2/hastymail2.rc

This will create the file hastymail2.rc which is the optimized config
file hastymail will use.

- the install_config.php file is a command line php program. Your server
must have PHP cli support (most do). The file must have executable
permissions set to run.

Web version:

The web version of the install script is at
hastymail2/install_scripts/web_install_config.php Load this file in
your browser and you will be prompted to upload your hastymail2.conf
file. When submitted the script will generate a hastymail2.rc file to
be used with Hastymail. There is a version of web install script at
hastymail.org you can use to build the rc file available here:


Once installation is complete you should remove the install_scripts
directory from the hastymail2 source.

4. Move the hastymail2.rc file to the right place and test

IMPORTANT: The expected location of the hastymail2.rc file is:


if you want the file to be somewhere else then edit the index.php file
in the top level directory of the hastymail source. After the initial
comments you will see these lines:

/* configuration file */
$hm2_config = '/etc/hastymail2/hastymail2.rc';

Try to login. If you experience problems at this point please see the
troubleshooting section 3 Resources in this document.

4. Resources

1. Troubleshooting

Server configurations vary greatly and troubleshooting a webmail
application can get complicated fast. The best way to troubleshoot
complex systems is to start with simple procedures that narrow
down the source of the problem. Here are some tips for getting
through some common problems getting webmail software up and

- PHP. Is PHP installed and functional? A good way to find out is
to create an "info.php" file with the following single line of

Place this file in your web-server document root then load it
into your browser. If you DON'T get a nicely formatted page
with a ton of information about your PHP installation chances
are something in your PHP/Web server setup is broken

- Filesystem permissions. Web server software needs to be able
to write to certain directories, and on UNIX like systems may
NOT be able to write to newly created directories by default.
If you are having problems with attachment uploading or saving
user settings this is a common cause.

- Mail server log files. If you have access to your mail server
log files it is a very handy source of clues regarding what
can be going wrong. If you believe Hastymail is configured
correctly but you can't login with a valid username and
password check the IMAP server log files to see if an attempt
was made. You may have to adjust your IMAP server debug
or log settings to get useful information. When problems occur
sending mail check the SMTP server log files for possible

- Do other clients work? Hastymail is basically an email client
with web pages as an interface. The fact that it runs on a web
server does not make it any less a client. A practical way
to determine if your system is setup correctly is to attempt
to login to a valid IMAP account with another Email client,
any respectable (or popular but NOT respectable) client
will do. If you can't login with another client then fixing
your mail server software needs to be addressed before
trying to get Hastymail to run.

- Try the Hastymail debug options. Hastymail has several debug
options that address specific situations. These are conf file
settings that default to false but when enabled will output
debug information below the hastymail interface.

- show_imap_debug
This setting makes Hastymail output all the IMAP
commands and server responses.

- show_full_debug
This requires that show_imap_debug is enabled. When
set to true Hastymail will show additional debug info
regarding the imap server and include the complete IMAP
server response to every command. Use with caution because
this can output a lot of data.

- show_cache_usage
While not so useful for general purpose troubleshooting this
option shows the approximate amount of IMAP account information
being cached by Hastymail in the PHP session.

- db_debug
If you have Hastymail configured to use a database and are
experiencing problems set this to true to output db related
debug information.

- Double check your .conf file. Keep in mind that changing the
re-run one of the configuration scripts to create the hastymail2.rc
file for your changes to be used in Hastymail. Because we cache
certain data for performance reasons it is also recommended that you
logout and then back into the interface after you have changed the
hastymail2.rc file.

- It was discovered the some hardened PHP installations will add additional
limits to POST forms, not just the total size of the form, but additionally
how many elements it can contain. The folder management page of hastymail has
a form that can get very large, depending on how many folders you have, and
it could trigger a problem with these restrictions. It was specifically noted
that the default suhosin PHP hardening patch values for suhosin.post.max_vars
and suhosin.request.max_vars could become an issue with accounts that have more
than 50 folders.

- It is possible in PHP to overload the str* functions with multibyte string
functions by setting the mbstring.func_overload php.ini setting. This may
seem like a good idea but the default behavior of the mbstring functions differs
and can cause Hastymail to output a bunch of warnings. Disabling this in the php.ini
or with an .htaccess file solves this issue.

- Help us expand this document with your feedback! There are a ton
of ways to get in touch with us and we value all feedback and do
our best to help with problems as quickly as we can. The best ways
to get a hold of us in order of the most likely to be responded to
promptly are:

Join us at our IRC channel #hastymail at freenode.net
Send an Email to the mailing list at [email protected]
File a bug report at http://www.hastymail.org/mantis/
Post at the forums at http://www.hastymail.org/forums/
Send a message with the contact form at http://www.hastymail.org/contact_us/

2. Advanced configuration options

Hastymail has a lot of options in the configuration file, many of which
are for specific special circumstances and in general don't need to be
changed. Be sure to check out all options and descriptions in that file
to see if what you want to tweak is already available.

If you don't find what you are looking for the next stop is the
index.php file in the top level directory of the Hastymail source code.
All requests in Hastymail go through this file, and it primarily
contains array and variable definitions for the different options and
defaults in Hastymail that are not a part of the configuration file
system. Keep in mind this file is a PHP code file so a single
misplaced character can cause the entire application to fail. Be sure
you know what you are doing if you alter it.

Hastymail supports a powerful theme and template system that can allow
a site to make custom modifications without having to worry about breaking
core code. PHP based templates and comprehensive use of CSS make it
easy to add custom modifications and designs to the interface.

Lastly Hastymail supports an evolving plugin API that allows add-on
code to interact with Hastymail internal data and alter or add to the
UI. Using this system it is possible to add custom features while still
maintaining easy upgrades to the core code when new versions are released.

3. Source documentation

The following is a list of all the documentation files that are shipped
with the Hastymail source code:

/INSTALL You are reading it
/CHANGES Changelog file
/hastymail2.conf.example Template for the "human readable"
config file
/README Licensing and general information
/docs/plugin_ajax.txt AJAX plugin API information
/docs/plugin_basics.txt The basics of plugins
All the "display hooks" the plugin
system supports
/docs/plugin_pages.txt How to make your own pages inside
Hastymail using the plugin API
/docs/plugin_tools.txt The plugin API tools methods explained
/docs/plugin_work_hooks.txt All the "work hooks" the plugin
system supports.
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